Saturday, 4 January 2014
Part 3 - Me n my bonce
The big day arrives
So I was left alone last night but more tests before I could go to sleep (and interrupted my viewing of TOWIE!) finally a lovely far too bubbly nurse Evie came round to do my ECG and obs at 11.45pm! Then finally I was left to sleep, not that I slept much though! Then 6am I was woken - really? My op wasn't until 12.30 was this necessary? Was given the lovely hibiscrub to shower and wash my hair in and some fetching disposable pants to wear with a hospital gown! Fortunately she gave me 2 so I didn't flash my bum! Mum and dad arrived and the nervous wait started didn't help that at the end of my bed there was a big clock so I was just constantly watching that! Pedro and Chandler came up to meet us finally about 11.30, don't know what I was expecting but he wasn't anything at all that I expected! In his scubs with the funkiest hat I have ever seen! Being he is usually a paediatric surgeon I should imagine it cheers the kids up! So final bit of time with mum and dad before they come and get me! Then with my sexy gown, surgical stockings and disposable pants I'm wheeled down to theatre said my goodbyes to my mum n dad, but they are not ready in theatre! So now pooping myself and waiting for the scariest moment of my life all alone I felt like a little girl again! Anaesthetists came to see me and I remember in particular woman and a man called Gary which I remember cos he had a really nice bangle on! I told them how scared I was and they stayed with me a while! Then finally the time came they were wheeling me in! OMG the theatre looked so scary the contraption I was going to be put in, the clamp that would hold my head still looked so scary! And how would they lift me in to it?! would i flash my bum? Then Chandlers words of you will be butt naked were going through my mind! Glad I waxed I thought! Then I had people surround me, putting in my cannula to knock me out! Again the 1 person I remember is Gary with the nice bangle I asked him to hold my hand as I was so scared! And he did and that was the last thing I remember his cold hand rubbing mine telling me I'd be fine!
I'm being wheeled up in my bed I survived that means the op will work! I was wheeled back to the ward and remember seeing smiling relieved faces of mum, dad! My aunt was also there all welcoming me back to the ward, I don't remember much apart from being worried about laying on my back in case I hurt my head which was probably stapled (thanks google images!) and having a slight headache, well suppose I should have expected that I just had a bit of my skull moved about! The nurses were great though giving me pain relief although I didn't want to keep using my buzzer and bothering them! The lady opposite me was a pain though this seemed to be a theme when I was in a ward which you will hear about later! Her food was too lumpy, her pillows weren't right, she was too cold! Behave and shut up some of us are trying to rest! Another lady next to me was in for weight loss surgery, I'm no wafer thin skinny bird but she didn't stop eating! Apparently this was the second attempt as the first time didn't work! Although her husband did offer to go get me KFC! Shame I was only on mushy food! The day after my op it was great to see my brother and sister in law, hey I'll be home in a couple of days tell the kids Auntie DL loves em and will see them soon! I also remember a visit from the 3 girls that are my rocks bringing me apple juice and nice cards! In particular a nice furry leopard print one with eyes! I'm sure I must be related to Bet Lynch! These few days after surgery were a bit of a blur and kind of mix into one big memory! I had got pneumonia and was coughing quite a lot and waiting for a blood test and also had an oxygen mask! A nurse came to take my blood and was very rough with the arm strap for blood tests and really hurt my arm. Not long after this I remember being lifted onto another bed and an oxygen mask being put on me, I had crashed, alarms were going off, this couldn't be good! I remember seeing worry on my mum and brothers face, dad was there too but he always keeps it together! Unlike me writing this now through tears! There were lots of people lots of beeping and a consent form was given to my dad! I had no idea what was happening but knew the right decisions were being made and I was in safe hands!
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