Saturday, 4 January 2014

Part 13 - Me n my bonce

So as well as physio sessions I also had a lady with a purple shirt come to see now! There were so many different colour uniforms, I suppose at least she didn't have to wear bottletop green trousers like the occupational therapists and some physiotherapists! It reminded me of what a milkman should wear! She came a few times a week, lifting my arms and legs trying to get them working again! Lifting my arms by myself after a few sessions, good she'd say, there's a flicker! A flicker is basically like a little twitch where your muscle would have little mini spaz attack where it was trying to work! Apparently a good sign as meant your muscle was working! Days that she didn't come mum would help me with these as she had watched so knew what we had to do! Again still getting my daily footrubs that nurses were jealous of mum and dad were now massaging my once bulging calves that were now so pathetic trying to build up my muscles again! At least now they were shaved I suppose! Each day seeing if they could still wrap their hands round my calves and each day they got a bit firmer! Now as I had started to move my legs slightly there was no rest, one of my diamonds brought me in weights! Yep only out of HDU a little while and everyone was expecting me to lift weights! Strapped them on to my ankles come on Dan you can do it, the more you do the quicker you will get better! In the end I think that's what kept me motivated! The thought of freedom!!! I was starting to settle into life in Kinnier Wilson everyone was really nice! Until one fateful night....A bank staff nurse came in for handover, she didn't seem to know an awful lot about tracheostomies asking what the emergency bag was for, how do I change the tube she asked the worried looking nurse who was handing over to her! I'm not sure if I was on strong drugs or just in Dan land but I didn't seem to notice! I waved off my mum and dad, see you in 18 hours my usual last line to them, mum asking do you want my phone? That's odd I thought! No I'll be fine plus where would I put it! I couldn't exactly jump up and pop it in a draw! Oh how I wish I kept it!!!! So in a couple of hours I have a normal choking fit my inner tube needs to be changed, I kind of knew that feeling by now, I rang my bell, nothing! Thankfully I had my trusty yankeur and had managed to cough a lot of gunk up without her going in for a deep suction but I still needed it! She finally arrived n I managed to say and sign for suction (basically looking like I had an invisible toothbrush!) very flustered and with help from me pointing she managed to suction me, phew! Do I really want to ask her to change my tube - not really but it needed doing! I think she thought she had to take the whole thing out but fortunately I had my speaking valve on I manage to tell her to twist the inner tube and rinse it after putting another one in twisting till it clicked then put my speaking valve back on! Wow my head was thumping feeling sick from the coughing I asked for an anti sickness shot off she went to get me drugs! 15 minutes later she came back luckily hughy hadn't entered the room she pulled up a seat to give me my shot! She must have sore feet I thought! Oh no, she decided to tell me she never knew what love was before she had children and how she was adopted!!!! Do I really look like I am in a position to give you sympathy?! Really!!! She then proceeded to give me the other medications I was due through my NG tube and also the mouth drop I was due, usually 1-2 drops as I was nil by mouth still I could not take anything orally! Not according to this nurse a whole tube of fluid squirted into my mouth! Again my trusty yankeur came to save me! Wow had she just came off the street and put scrubs on?! She finally left me and I drift off to sleep to then wake up and gave an 'episode' I rang my bell, I need help she said the healthcare assistant is on her break and turnt off my bell. 30 minutes later I rang again, the healthcare assistant is on her break as soon as she is back we will clean you up! 2 and a half hours later the healthcare assistant walked passed my room and could tell there was something wrong! Please I begged, please help me! She was disgusted and sorted me out which I was very greatful of! I tried to dose off again but I was worried in case she came in again and tried to do something to me! Finally 7.30am handover to the daytime staff! Excellent one of my faves was on! As soon as she came in she could tell I was tired and not myself! I told her what had gone on, apparently I wasn't the only one that had had problems that night! Also plans hadn't been updated either! The sister was furious and could not believe the cover she had been sent! That day when my mum and dad arrived i just burst into tears! It was like the scene from Goonies where Chunk had to tell the Spirelli's everything, and this happened and then this and this! They went to see Sister and agreed to write everything down! Sister was not having her on her ward again! Thank god I thought!

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