Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Part 18 - Me n my bonce

So the eating fork mashable foods was going well I was now allowed to finish the whole portion! The menu at Kings was fab although sometimes ordering mac n cheese I got lamb casserole! Who cares it tasted good! Followed by a banana or rice pudding! Yum! But it was still no dominoes! Getting stronger with my physio's each day At the gym in the parallel bars I stepped together stepped, and again and again! I was walking! All be it I looked like I had a watermelon between my knees I was walking! And backwards steps to my chair! I was now also completing my transfers using a zimmer frame, a step up from the rotar stand! Gradually also using this with my nurses too! I had to make sure the foot part of my sexy stockings were rolled up being barefoot so I didn't slide along the floor, this only happened once I learnt quick! I still had my catheta so fortunately I only had to use the zimmer for transfers not sure i could do much more yet! Physio's seemed to come a bit more frequently one day he put my wheelchair at the door of my room, "fancy a walk there", my reply quite simply was a laugh and "you're joking right" nope he was deadly serious! With my gown doubled up to stop me doing a Frankie Howard and showing my bum and my wee bag hooked on my zimmer I stood, stepped slowly while pushing turned and sat in my wheelchair! I did it! Such an achievement! Off to the gym I went pleased as punch I had walked to my chair! Each time I went to the gym and each time it got harder and more intense! Boxing gloves? What the.... Ok I slipped them on, obviously I was no Frank Bruno but I had a good go after all i was only sitting and punching! Each time they made it a bit harder sitting on a wobbly board whilst doing it then 1 foot on the wobbly board, then the other! I would get tired very quickly and my Elvis legs would reappear a signal to sit! After resting my physio's asked if I would like to try and walk without my frame and with just those beside me! Did I! Course I did! They wheeled me in my chair to one end of the gym, I stood, held there hands and off I walked with them, nearly the whole length of the gym! Mum followed with my chair in case I got tired but I made it quick sit down then walked back too again holding on! My dad hasn't seen me in the gym yet so had arranged for him to come to a session. He had downloaded a song onto his phone and walked behind me when I was walking with the physio's eye of the tiger was playing! But I was far from being Rocky! This was just the type of thing that would lift my spirit as well as seeing other family visitors and my diamonds coming in and noting my shopping list from Vegas! I can't beat em or join em so they did it for me! Also bring in what every girl needs cake and chocolate cake at that! I seemed to now have a gelatin allergy so had to be really careful what I ate and drunk to ensure I stayed away from it! As long as it was marked with the vegetarian sign and wasn't nailed down I was eating and drinking it! And by now I had also progressed to real food, lumps an all! Every day I'd order custard for dessert no matter what the main meal was and mum would put in a piece of chocolate cake or slice up a banana in it for afters! Yum! My dominoes was now achievable and an order was now placed with mum and dad and coming Sunday! I'd looked on the Internet on menus I could see nowhere it said it contained gelatin! Get in!!!!

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