Monday, 10 February 2014

Part 25 - Me n my bonce

Great timing the physiotherapist I was assigned to was off on his holidays - how very dare he! But in his place I was give another lady who I must say was fab and we really had a good laugh as I would just tell her as it is! I was also assigned an occupational therapist for day to day task practice to resume my 'normal' routine. I was also given a speech therapist slot but fortunately (maybe not for others) by now my voice had returned to normal as well as a psychologist appointment! Really was that necessary or am I now completely bonkers? Apparently this was a routine appointment that everyone had and she was very impressed with how I had been and was continuing to deal with everything going on! So was no longer needed to attend 1-2-1 sessions with her. It was strange saying I'm going to the gym for a session! No not a pumping iron one like you expect, neuro rehab gym had parallel bars, plinths (bed type things) running machine a couple of exercise bikes and what looked like a set of stocks which was actually a standing frame! We had 1 porter for the unit who was lovely and always collected you with a smile in the wheelchair and comment on how well I was transferring to it! He would sit and wait with me in the gym awaiting Physio's to arrive. One of my first sessions was on the plinth with my replacement Physio and an assistant, I was sitting on the plinth using a gym ball to stretch when they thought lets see if I could kneel! OMG I could just about sit! So I laid down, struggled rolling over (still trying to keep my neck still as I now had a big hole in it!) then attempted the push up on to my knees! Sounds simple really! Well I had absolutely no strength (and I mean none, zilch, nada!!) both the physio and assistant had to help me and pull the top part of the plinth up so I could push on it! I think they then realised (as well as me) just how pathetic my strength was! How could I not kneel?! Something so easy? I'm never going to be 'normal' again and be able to get out of here! It was quite upsetting as when you don't try something but your mind is fine you think, yeah that's not a problem I can do that! Oh how different it is from thinking it to doing it!! So the belly button on my neck comment which your probably thinking what the? I had now no plaster on my tracheostomy and still hadn't looked at it myself when the physio's wanted to check it out to see how it was healing, I asked what it looked like and the assistant quite simply replied... It's like a belly button but on your neck! Wow I really have to check this out now so when I got back to my bed I went to the toilet to inspect my neck. Sure enough if looked like a belly button! Or as I later referred to it as 'me hole' but had to be careful where and how I used this term for obvious reasons!

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