Monday, 20 January 2014

Part 23 - Me n my bonce

So the day I had been longing for for what seemed like months I was going to rehab! (And yes I did hum the song lots!!!) I was told transport was coming for me at 11am so mum was coming in armed with cards, sweets and biscuits I'd asked her to get each ward of nurses that had looked after me, she was geting here for 10am with clothes for me too! Woo hoo! It was also shower day (Wednesday) so OT's had come a little earlier to make sure I was a clean girl! I even managed to blowdry my barnet by myself too! Even if it was a big frizzy mess, is this really what we all walked about like before GHD's?! Wow! Anyways I was sat there waiting when I had a visit from someone (staff) who threaded my eyebrows for me! I really must have mentioned them a lot! Haha! I felt like a new woman and lost about a stone in hair weight! I was sitting waiting for my time, could not see my tv so did not know what time it was but felt time was going on, my OT was still floating about the ward and she popped her head in, she could tell I was getting agitated and asked if I wanted her to call my mum as I still didn't have my mobile with me, she called her and she was stuck in traffic as dad was dropping her in as so much to carry! 10:45 mum arrived it was like challenge Aneka to get me dressed, write cards and tags on gift bags! Then get in my wheelchair to deliver to everyone! It was lovely to go back in HDU, as I did as everyone was so pleased to see my progress, it was also nice to speak to them in my real voice and say thank you too! Then the nurses station of Kinnier Wilson ward, the ward that had been home to me for 68 days!!!! It was a sad but a happy goodbye as this was the next step to getting Dan back! Me and mum got emotional but whizzed round in my wheels and was back in my room, packed and waiting to go by 11:05am. No transport, eventually mum went to get a cheeky coffee and sandwich as my lunch was delivered. We ate our lunch and still no transport had arrived! What else could we do but play one last game of UNO of course! My transport arrived for me at 1pm, to my dismay with a stretcher bed! This was how I was taken to rehab on the bed, loaded into the van thing I wasn't the only one being taken anywhere! We had to wait for 2 more patients! They finally came, the transport guys were lovely really chatty and friendly. I even had a marriage proposal from the other patient on behalf of her son! Deep down I knew it was the eyebrows that did it! I made my apologies and explained how I couldn't marry her son and move to Nigeria as it was way too hot for me there and we carried on our journey, laughing as we went! Typically I was the last drop off! At one stop the driver and assistant had to carry someone up the stairs they left the door open and a child with no shoes and a bicycle appeared! No hallucination this was real! I finally arrived at my new residence Frank Cooksey Neuro Rehab. Although the transport guys were unsure where to take me, one ward they were told to put me in was like gods waiting room, I think the average age was 90, luckily mum said my name as the nurses didnt check, no wrong ward! Phew! I finally arrived to the ward, desperate for a wee now too! As I hadn't been assessed they wanted me to use a bed pan I point blank refused I wanted to use a proper toilet like I had been at Kings, they disappeared and came back with only what I can describe as a sedgeway with a bum holder! Similar to the rotar stand I held on and pulled myself up, the bum holders put down and I perched on these, was wheeled to the toilet, where I was allowed to have my wee in peace! Then pull the orange chord to be collected! I felt like the episode of Friends where Joey and Chandler arrived in Monica and Rachel's for the flat swap on the weird dog on wheels statue! Dan had arrived!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Dan. Keep it up. I love your sense of humour throughout and you make me giggle and smile and so interested in your journey at the same time. Lots of love and hugs and look forward to the next instalment xxxxx
